Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Mail Art Wizard

I decorated this robot for the Toy Art International Exhibition at MuBe, a major museum in Brazil.  I got Michael to put him together for me, being spatially short-handed myownself; and then I just kept him in sight for a few days.  Finally, I started thinking about mail artists I know (only one or two in person) and decided to dress the robot in words that describe mail artists.

 Here we are at the very beginning, with him put together (robots don't have gender, so that makes him an it, I suppose) as I was poking through the beads to see what letters were available.  I thought I'd used up all of the Os and Es on my last project, but that was not the case.
 Looking down to give you another view of the robot.  I think he has one word down his inner thigh.  He also has a crown and a star that aren't visible.

 Here's a photo that's only moderately crooked, taken in the last stage of development, after I'd decided it needed a nice head of hair, a crown, a necklace, and its own personal chicken to keep it company in Brazil.

 From the side you can see he's inscribed with the words The Mailart Wizard.  At that point, I concluded that the folks who did all their writing and marking before putting the robot together were pretty smart.

 From the back.  See the glob with the E on it to the right of his spine?  That was from a different set of letters I have; and I used them to spell peace.  A worldwide phenomenom like mail art is one of the few things that allows me to believe that peace may some day be achieved.
 A close-up of the chicken's head, and also the words on the legs.

What words did I use?  I put PEACE on the back first, followed by JOY inside the star on the chest.  On top of one foot it reads HOPE and the other reads LOVE (mail artists take part in some other four-letter word activities, but I decided to behave myself).  Other words:  JUSTICE, CREATIVITY, PLUCK (no, that's not another chicken joke), GOODNESS, ARTISTRY, ECSTASY, PLAY, HAPPINESS, KINDNESS, WISDOM, SENSUALITY, and FREEDOM.

P. S.  If you head over to the museum, you can see not only my robot, but the 90 that arrived before mine.

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