Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Crane & Co Wants Pen Pals -- And Is Willing to Share Goodies To Get Them!

From the Crane & Co blog:
"This morning we woke up feeling nostalgic for a pen pal.
But first, a flashback: Fifth grade, Ms. Lily's class. She is holding a stack of white envelopes, each containing one of our names awkwardly scribbled on the front. Through big cursive script inked in green on wide-lined notebook paper, we learn our pen pal's name is Michelle. She is from Maryland and has a Golden Retriever named Bluto (after the 'Popeye' character). Some students write to their pen pals for the obligatory three months. We write to Michelle, and she to us, for the next three years.
It was then that we first became enamored with the art of letter writing. Though we have embraced the immediacy of email, there is nothing quite like ink gliding over paper, recording the events, feelings and nuances from the week. Or day. Or year. Likewise, no Inbox subject line comes close to the feeling one gets when sifting through the day's mail to find a personalized envelope. (We're smitten just thinking about it.)
To celebrate the art of letter writing -- and indulge our own nostalgia -- we're inviting fellow enthusiasts of classic correspondence to become our pen pals. Write us a letter, and we'll write you one back. It's that simple.
To sweeten the experience, every pen pal will be entered in a contest to win an assortment of Crane & Co. paper goodies.
If you love the idea as much as we do, please feel free to spread the word and, of course, write us a letter. Our pens our ready to go.

Please send letters to:
Crane & Co. Pen Pals
44 West 28th Street, 8th Floor
NY, NY 10001"

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